Installing the Unicheck LTI app
Part 1: Creating a Brightspace integration in the Unicheck account
Part 2: Adding Unicheck app in Brightspace
Useful Links (Brightspace Community)
Increasing the height of the iFrame in Brightspace
Configuring global settings for Unicheck assignments
I want to suggest a feature, provide feedback
Installing the Unicheck LTI app
In this section we will review how to install the Unicheck LTI app on top-level account in Brightspace LMS.
Part 1: Creating a Brightspace integration in the Unicheck account
Go to and log in to your Unicheck Admin account. Then go to Integration → Create New.
STEP 1: Name the integration
Click Create Integration under the Custom LTI icon, then choose a name for the integration (e.g., “Brightspace”), and click Next Step.
STEP 2: Review integration settings
Review the default integration settings (only Administrator can change them).
Recommended settings are shown on the images below.
- Store original documents.
If the setting is ON, instructors will be able to download originally submitted files. If the setting is OFF, originally submitted documents will be unavailable, but their content (text) will still be stored in the user’s local database and used by Unicheck for comparison with other submissions.
- Show custom logo in Unicheck Reports.
Click Upload to upload a logo to be displayed in Online and PDF similarity reports. Recommended file formats: PNG or JPG. You do not need to crop or resize the picture before uploading it.
- Exclude Quotes & References.
If this option is enabled, Unicheck will search and highlight in-text citations and references (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard).
Excluding quotes means highlighting them in the submitted document. Detected quotes will not be checked for plagiarism.
Excluding references means highlighting them in the submitted document. Detected references will not be checked for plagiarism.
- Exclude sources.
This filter allows to automatically exclude matched sources based on the set parameters. The minimum value for “Words” is “8” (set a higher value to omit sources with longer matches). Sources with combined matched word count less than the set value will be excluded.
- Student's precheck.
If this option is enabled, the default student precheck setting will be set to ON. Instructors will be able to allow draft submissions. With this option, students can check their submissions before submitting the final version. Instructors will still be able to switch the setting OFF.
- Number of drafts to check.
Set the maximum number of draft submissions prior to final submission. Instructors can change this value.
- Precheck only.
Enable this setting to let instructors configure any particular assignment exclusively for student precheck.
- Show similarity reports to students.
Enable this setting to let students access their similarity reports.
Click Next Step.
STEP 3: Generate API keys
Your API credentials are generated automatically (you may copy them later). Consumer Key and Consumer Secret will be needed while adding Unicheck app in Brightspace LMS.
After the integration setup is over, you will see a newly created integration in the list of active integrations. Take note of Consumer key, Consumer secret (Shared secret) and Launch URL (you may return to this view to copy these keys later).
Click Finish and then click View Active Integrations.
STEP 4: Review instructor permissions
Click Permissions under your integration's name and review the default instructor permissions. Recommended settings are shown on the images below.
Important: Set Grade submissions from Unicheck Report interface to ON to allow grading student submissions directly in Unicheck Assignment and Unicheck Report.
Part 2: Adding Unicheck app in Brightspace
1. Open External Learning Tools → Manage Tool Providers, then click New Tool Provider.
Note: Search for ““ to make sure there is no registered tool provider for the Unicheck app. If there is, update the existing tool provider settings.
2. Set up the Tool Provider values:
a. Launch Point: copy and paste Launch URL from the integration profile (see Step 3). Keep https:// prefix.
b. Version = 1.1
c. OAuth = <keep default> or set HMAC-SHA1.
d. Secret: copy and paste Shared secret from the integration profile (see Step 3).
e. Select the Use custom tool consumer information instead of default checkbox.
f. Key: copy and paste Consumer key from the integration profile (see Step 3).
g. Name = “Unicheck” or any other name.
h. Description = <any>
i. Contact email =
j. Select the Allow users to use this tool provider checkbox.
k. Security: select all checkboxes except Send system Org Defined ID to tool provider.
l. Click Add org units and select all org units where the Unicheck app will be used.
m. Click Save and close. Integration status in the Unicheck account will remain “Not connected“ until you launch the app in Brightspace for the first time.
Note: Unicheck app should be installed as an LTI 1.1 Tool Provider. Other installation scenarios are not supported (i.e. remote plugin is not supported). Once tool provider is added and configured, instructors can create External Learning Tool links in their Courses. An excerpt from Brightspace community article: “Next, have instructors add External Learning Tool Links to their Course. If the Tool Provider Settings are already done, this step becomes quite simple for Instructors. In the Content Tool the Instructor selects "Add Existing Activity" and then "External Learning Tools". Next, the Instructor selects "Create New LTI Link". The last step is for the Instructor to enter a Name for the LTI Link and the URL of the LTI Link and then click "Create and Insert". This approach allows for the easy creation of multiple External Learning Tool Links within the Course. It also means that each LTI Assessment that an Instructor adds to their course will have its own grade item.” |
Testing the Integration
1. Open a course in the org unit where the Unicheck app was installed/added.
2. Open the Content tab and click Add Existing Activities → External Learning Tools → <scroll to bottom> Create new LTI link.
a. Title = <any>
b. LTI URL =
c. The Tool field will be populated automatically after LTI URL is added
3. Click Create and Insert.
4. Open the assignment and check whether you see the Unicheck interface. If yes, the integration has been created successfully.
Error: Notice that `user_id` AND `roles` parameters are required.
Problem: You are trying to create a Unicheck assignment in the org unit with no Unicheck provider tool.
Solution: Add Unicheck Tool Provider to org unit where you try to create an assignment.
Error: Auth error: oauth_problem=parameter_absent&oauth_parameters_absent=oauth_consumer_key%26oauth_signature%26oauth_signature_method%26oauth_nonce%26oauth_timestamp
Problem: Unicheck received an empty Key.
Solution: Copy the Consumer key from the integration profile in your Unicheck admin account and paste it into the Key field in the Tool Provider setup In Brightspace.
Error: Auth error: oauth_problem=consumer_key_unknown
Problem: Unicheck couldn’t find the Key.
Solution: In Brightspace, make sure that the Key value is correct (copy and paste it again from Unicheck integration profile), and there are no spaces at the beginning or the end of the Key value. It is not recommended to type the key manually — always use copy/paste.
Error: Your instance GUID has changed. Please use another keys.
1) In Brightspace, there is a space at the end of the string in the Key field.
2) You are using a key from an already connected integration (i.e., in Unicheck, the integration has Connected status). This typically happens when you’re trying to add a key from an existing integration, which was activated in the past.
1) Remove the space after the Key string value.
2) Make sure you’re using a key from an integration that hasn’t been connected before (however, you can reuse a key from an integration that has been previously connected to the same domain/website). Alternatively, disable the integration in the Unicheck account and create a new one.
Error: Auth error: oauth_problem=consumer_key_refused
Problem: Integration with this Consumer key / Launch URL is disabled in Unicheck.
Solution: In the Unicheck account, go to Integration → Disabled and search for the integration using the Key value from Brightspace. Enable the integration. If you have duplicate integrations under the Active tab, it is recommended to disable all unused apps to avoid confusion.
Error: Auth error: oauth_problem=signature_invalid...
Problem: The Secret value in Brightspace is incorrect, contains spaces, or does not match the Shared secret value of the particular integration in the Unicheck account.
Solution: Identify the right integration in Unicheck account and copy/paste the Shared secret into Brightspace (Tool Provider → Unicheck).
Useful Links
Below are the links to official documentation as well as articles and recommendations on installing LTI in Brightspace LMS.
- Configure Learning Tool Interoperability support - link
- Setting Up An LTI 1.1 Integration In Brightspace - link
- Configuring LTI at the org unit level - link
Increasing the height of the iFrame in Brightspace
You can increase the height of an iFrame in Brightspace to display Unicheck app in full height (Brightspace guide: Edit a configuration variable).
VARIABLE NAME: d2l.Tools.Content.ContentIFrameHeight
As a suggestion, set the value of the variable to 1200.
Configuring global settings for Unicheck assignments
Upon installation of the Unicheck app, default settings for new Unicheck assignments are:
Exclude submissions from the Institutional Library = OFF (recommended; controlled by instructor)
Auto Exclude Citations & References = ON (recommended)
Student precheck = OFF (recommended; controlled by instructor)
Omit sources, where percentage of similarity is less than = 0% (recommended)
Omit sources, where the number of words that match is less than = 8 (recommended)
Show or hide similarity results from students = ON/OFF (to be decided by institution)
I want to suggest a feature, provide feedback
Feel free to contact Unicheck account manager and suggest improvements or provide feedback. We’ll do our best to improve the product/service based on your suggestions.
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