Installing the Unicheck LTI app
PART 1: Creating a NEO integration in the Unicheck account
PART 2: Adding Unicheck app in NEO
Configuring global settings for Unicheck assignments
I want to suggest a feature, provide feedback
Installing the Unicheck LTI app
PART 1: Creating a NEO integration in the Unicheck account
Go to and log in to your Unicheck Admin account. Then go to Integration → Create New.
STEP 1: Name the integration
Click Create Integration under the NEO LMS icon, then choose a name for the integration (e.g., “NEO”), and click Next Step.
STEP 2: Review integration settings
Review the default integration settings (only Administrator can change them).
Recommended settings are shown on the images below.
- Store original documents.
If the setting is ON, instructors will be able to download originally submitted files. If the setting is OFF, originally submitted documents will be unavailable, but their content (text) will still be stored in the user’s local database and used by Unicheck for comparison with other submissions.
- Show custom logo in Unicheck Reports.
Click Upload to upload a logo to be displayed in Online and PDF similarity reports. Recommended file formats: PNG or JPG. You do not need to crop or resize the picture before uploading it.
- Exclude Quotes & References.
If this option is enabled, Unicheck will search and highlight in-text citations and references (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard).
Excluding quotes means highlighting them in the submitted document. Detected quotes will not be checked for plagiarism.
Excluding references means highlighting them in the submitted document. Detected references will not be checked for plagiarism.
- Exclude sources.
This filter allows to automatically exclude matched sources based on the set parameters. The minimum value for “Words” is “8” (set a higher value to omit sources with longer matches). Sources with combined matched word count less than the set value will be excluded.
- Student's precheck.
If this option is enabled, the default student precheck setting will be set to ON. Instructors will be able to allow draft submissions. With this option, students can check their submissions before submitting the final version. Instructors will still be able to switch the setting OFF.
- Number of drafts to check.
Set the maximum number of draft submissions prior to final submission. Instructors can change this value.
- Precheck only.
Enable this setting to let instructors configure any particular assignment exclusively for student precheck.
- Show similarity reports to students.
Enable this setting to let students access their similarity reports.
Click Next Step.
STEP 3: Generate API keys
Your API credentials are generated automatically (you may copy them later). Consumer Key and Consumer Secret will be needed while adding Unicheck app in NEO LMS.
After the integration setup is over, you will see a newly created integration in the list of active integrations. Take note of Consumer key, Consumer secret (Shared secret) and Launch URL (you may return to this view to copy these keys later).
Click Finish and then click View Active Integrations.
STEP 4: Review instructor permissions
Click Permissions under your integration's name and review the default instructor permissions. Recommended settings are shown on the images below.
Important: Set Grade submissions from Unicheck Report interface to ON to allow grading student submissions directly in Unicheck Assignment and Unicheck Report.
PART 2: Adding Unicheck app in NEO
Login to LMS as an Administrator. Go to Admin → App Center and ensure that LTI module is installed (requires Enterprise account).
Then install and configure Unicheck app:
To configure the app, click on the gear icon (app banner), then edit Unicheck LTI assignment config:
(Note: Launch URL should be obtained from STEP 3)
Description of the form fields:
Name |
Unicheck assignment |
Description |
Assignment with plagiarism check |
Privacy |
Share name and email |
Refer to STEP 3 to obtain launch URL. |
Key and Secret |
Refer to STEP 3 to obtain key and secret. |
Params |
auto_grade=0 (to enable grades feed, set to 1) |
Setup is complete.
Testing the Unicheck LTI app
Log in as a teacher. Create new Unicheck assignment: Class name → Assignments → Add → Unicheck assignment:
Fill out the assignment form and click Save to create a new assignment.
Remember to publish the assignment (Give button). Published assignments have icon.
Open the assignment and click Launch. You should see an empty submissions table as below:
Login as a student and open Unicheck assignment (use Launch button in the assignment). Add a file and then click Final submission. Once the report is ready, you will see similarity results as below.
Right after submission:
Once similarity results are ready:
Log in as a teacher — a record will appear in the submission table (in the example below, a student has submitted). Click on the student and then on a file link to view a plagiarism report:
Configuring global settings for Unicheck assignments
Upon installation of Unicheck app, default settings for new Unicheck assignments are:
Exclude submissions from the Institutional Library = OFF(recommended; controlled by instructor)
Auto Exclude Citations & References = ON (recommended)
Student precheck = OFF (recommended; controlled by instructor)
Omit sources, where percentage of similarity is less than = 0% (recommended)
Omit sources, where the number of words that match is less than = 8
Show or hide similarity results from students = ON (recommended; controlled by instructor)
To update global defaults, open any Unicheck assignment and click Settings:
I want to suggest a feature, provide feedback
Feel free to contact Unicheck account manager and suggest improvements or provide feedback. We’ll do our best to improve the product/service based on your suggestions.
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