How do I install the Unicheck LTI app?
In this section we will review how to install Unicheck LTI app in the BrightSpace LMS top level account.
Step 1: Use Unicheck wizard to create an integration with BrightSpace LMS
Steps to create BrightSpace integration:
Go to and click login, select tab For corporate use and use admin credentials to login. Admin credentials are provided by a Unicheck representative or account manager.
Go to INTEGRATION tab → LMS integration → click Create LMS integration button.
Click on CUSTOM Integration (LTI) tile and follow the wizard to create the integration, i.e. generate consumer key, shared secret and launch URL.
Note: on Step 2 of the integration wizard you will be given a Config URL - do not copy it, launch URL will be given later, when integration wizard steps are completed. You may copy Consumer key and Shared secret at this step. You will be able to copy them later also. -
After the integration setup is over, you will a see a newly created integration in the list of active integrations. Take note of the Consumer key, Shared secret and Launch URL (you may return to this view to copy these values later):
Step 2: Install Unicheck app in BrightSpace LMS
NOTE: Unicheck app should be installed as an LTI 1.1 Tool Provider. Other installation scenarios are not supported (i.e. remote plugin is not supported). Once tool provider is added and configured, instructors can create External Learning Tool links in their Courses. An excerpt from BrightSpace community article: “Next, have instructors add External Learning Tool Links to their Course. If the Tool Provider Settings are already done, this step becomes quite simple for Instructors. In the Content Tool the Instructor selects "Add Existing Activity" and then "External Learning Tools". Next, the Instructor selects "Create New LTI Link". The last step is for the Instructor to enter a Name for the LTI Link and the URL of the LTI Link and then click "Create and Insert". This approach allows for the easy creation of multiple External Learning Tool Links within the Course. It also means that each LTI Assessment that an Instructor adds to their course will have its own grade item.” |
Useful links
Below are the links to official documentation as well as articles and recommendations on installing LTI in Brightspace LMS.
Configure Learning Tool Interoperability support - link
Setting Up An LTI 1.1 Integration In Brightspace - link
Configuring LTI at the org level - link
Configuring LTI at the org unit level - link
Setup a Tool Provider (LTI 1.1) in BrightSpace
Setup a new tool provider in BrightSpace (use BrightSpace guide).
It is recommended to setup Unicheck app at the Org level, and then add Org units as necessary. When you setup a tool provider, you will be asked for a Key, Secret and Launch URL. See previous section, i.e. Step 1 to obtain these values (Unicheck account → Integration → Active integrations):
In BrightSpace, configure visibility and security settings as on the screenshot below:
Last step is to add required Org Units.
Save the configuration to finish the setup.
Step 3: Increase the height of the iFrame in BrightSpace
You can increase the height of an iFrame in BrightSpace to display Unicheck app in full height (BrightSpace guide: Edit a configuration variable).
VARIABLE NAME: d2l.Tools.Content.ContentIFrameHeight
As a suggestion, set the value of the variable to 1200.
Configuring Unicheck account settings
Go to and log in as Administrator. Click on the profile icon → System settings.
Recommended (default) settings.
Unicheck global index is a shared database of student submissions across all Unicheck customers. You may voluntarily contribute your institution's student submissions to the database. To start sharing student submissions, set option to ON.
Recommended (default) settings:
Upload the logo of the institution to show it in the header of all Unicheck reports (exported PDF copies).
The logo will be placed on the right side of the header of the exported PDF report:
Configuring global settings for Unicheck assignments
Upon installation of Unicheck app, default settings for new Unicheck assignments are:
Exclude submissions from the Institutional Library = OFF (recommended; controlled by instructor)
Auto Exclude Citations & References = ON (recommended)
Student precheck = OFF (recommended; controlled by instructor)
Omit sources, where percentage of similarity is less than = 0% (recommended)
Omit sources, where the number of words that match is less than = 8 (recommended)
Show or hide similarity results from students = ON/OFF (to be decided by institution)
I want to suggest a feature, provide feedback
Feel free to contact Unicheck account manager and suggest improvements or provide feedback. We’ll do our best to improve the product/service based on your suggestions.
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