How do I install the Unicheck LTI app?
In this section we will review how to install UnicheckLTI app for entire Schoology account. This means all instructors in the account will get access to the application. During trial or pilot phase, you may install the tool at the course level (Course → Course Options → External Tool Providers) in one or more courses. Installation details (External Tool Provider form) are the same in global setup procedure.
Option 1: Installation from the App Center (account level)
Log into LMS as an Administrator and find the Unicheck app in the App Center:
Open the app’s details and click Install LTI app:
Select Add to Organization:
Click Install / Remove:
Select All Courses and Course admins only checkboxes:
Click Configure:
You can obtain Consumer key and Shared Secret from the EDU account:
Go to and click login, select tab For corporate use and use admin credentials to login. Admin credentials are provided by a Unicheck representative or account manager.
Go to INTEGRATION tab → LMS integration → click Create LMS integration button.
Click on SCHOOLOGY Integration (LTI) tile and follow the wizard to create the integration, i.e. generate consumer key, shared secret and launch URL.
Note: on Step 2 of the integration wizard you will be given a Config URL - do not copy it, launch URL will be given later, when integration wizard steps are completed. You may copy Consumer key and Shared secret at this step. You will be able to copy them later also.
After the integration setup is over, you will a see a newly created integration in the list of active integrations. Copy the Consumer key and Shared secret:
Click Save settings in Schoology - Installation is complete.
How to create Schoology integration in the Unicheck account
Skip this section if you already created the integration in previous section - Installation from the App Center (account level).
Login to as an Administrator. Go to Integration tab and click Create LMS Integration:
Choose SCHOOLOGY Integration and press Connect Unicheck.
Step 1: Create a title for your integration, e.g. ‘Schoology for My School’:
Step 2: Copy Consumer key (corresponds to Consumer key field in Schoology form) and Consumer
Secret (corresponds to Shared Secret field in Schoology form):
Step 3 : To configure default global settings for the plagiarism checker. Don’t forget to save new settings or just skip this step without changes.
Step 4 : To configure global Instructor settings. Also you can skip this step. Please note: only admin can turn in/ turn off two options: Allow student to resubmit and Enable grading. All others settings are available to teachers in individual assignments.
Integration is complete:
Option 2: Manual installation (account level)
Log into LMS as an Administrator. Navigate to System Settings → Integration → External Tools. Click Add External Tool Provider and fill out the form, as suggested below, and submit it to register new LTI application.
Add External Tool Provider form:
Tool Name |
Unicheck |
Consumer key, |
You can obtain key and secret from the EDU account:
Privacy |
Privacy options (option 4 is recommended): (1) Do not send any user information; (2) Only send name of user who launches the tool; (3) Only send Email/Username of user who launches the tool; (4) Send Name and Email/Username of user who launches the tool;
Configuration Type |
Manual |
Match By |
Domain/URL |
Copy the launch URL from the Active Integrations page in the Unicheck account: |
Custom Parameters |
auto_grade=off |
Upon form submission, new app will be registered - installation is complete. Next step is to test the installation.
How do I test the Unicheck LTI app?
Create a course (or use existing one). If you decide to create a new course, make sure that you enroll at least 1 teacher and 1 student. Grant a teacher Admin rights in the course (this is required for LTI application to function properly when used by teachers).
Create a new Unicheck assignment. Click Add Materials → Add File/Link/External Tool, then select External Tool. In the pop-up window, specify Unicheck Plagiarism Checker as a Tool Provider and enter the Title. Submit the form.
Open the assignment to view Unicheck submissions (there will not be any submissions yet).
Login as a student and open the assignment. Add the file and click Final submission:
If you see File(s) successfully submitted! notice, then everything’s has been setup correctly:
Log in as a teacher, and open the assignment to view submissions:
Make sure a teacher has admin rights in the course
Note: In order for LTI app to function properly for the teacher, an account must have admin rights in the course. Therefore, when enabling Unicheck LTI tool for instructors, make sure that you assign admin roles to teachers’ accounts in specific courses (when a user has admin rights, there will be a crown icon displayed next to the user name in the Members area): |
With correct permissions, teacher will see Settings button on the home page for the Unicheck assignment:
Configuring Unicheck account settings
Go to and log in as Administrator. Click on the profile icon → System settings.
Recommended (default) settings:
Unicheck global index is a shared database of student submissions across all Unicheck customers. You may voluntarily contribute your institution's student submissions to the database. To start sharing student submissions, set option to ON.
Recommended (default) settings:
Upload the logo of the institution to show it in the header of all Unicheck reports (exported PDF copies).
The logo will be placed on the right side of the header of the exported PDF report:
Configuring global settings for Unicheck assignments
Upon installation of Unicheck app, default settings for new Unicheck assignments are:
Exclude submissions from the Institutional Library = OFF (recommended; controlled by instructor)
Auto Exclude Citations & References = ON (recommended)
Student precheck = OFF (recommended; controlled by instructor)
Omit sources, where percentage of similarity is less than = 0% (recommended)
Omit sources, where the number of words that match is less than = 8
Show or hide similarity results from students = ON (recommended; controlled by instructor)
To change global defaults, open any Unicheck assignment (in any course) and then open Settings:
Please, refer to Configuring settings for the Unicheck assignment section of the Instructor guide for more details.
Show institution’s logo in Unicheck reports (exported PDFs)
Please, refer to the of the section Configuring Unicheck account settings.
I want to suggest a feature, provide feedback
Feel free to contact Unicheck account manager and suggest improvements or provide feedback. We’ll do our best to improve the product/service based on your suggestions.
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