Enabling Unicheck in Schoology Assignment
Workflow 1 (recommended): Create a Unicheck Assignment in Schoology
Workflow 2 (alternative): Add Unicheck to Standard Schoology Assignment
Configuring Unicheck Settings in Schoology Assignment
How Do I Know When the Unicheck Report is Ready and How Can I View It?
How to Submit on Behalf of a Student?
Can Students Submit Draft Assignments?
Can Students Run Similarity Checks on Their Own?
Can I Provide Feedback to Students?
How to Download Similarity Reports?
What is Unicheck?
Unicheck is a plagiarism checker. It verifies the originality of submitted texts or documents and delivers detailed similarity reports to instructors and students.
Unicheck can be integrated into Schoology LMS and used by instructors in Schoology Assignment activity. After a student submits an assignment, instructor receives a comprehensive similarity report, which becomes available within a few minutes.
Unicheck compares submitted documents with the Internet and/or Unicheck Institutional Library (i.e., assignments submitted by other students and/or assignments directly uploaded to the Unicheck account by administrator or instructor).
Unicheck Report
Unicheck report highlights all text segments that match Internet and/or Library sources and provides a list of matched sources. You can click on the highlighted segments to see the corresponding matched sources (alternatively, when you click on sources from the list, the corresponding text segments are highlighted).
Please refer to Unicheck Report Guide for more details on design and functionality of the Unicheck Report.
Enabling Unicheck in Schoology Assignment
Below are the two possible workflows for enabling Unicheck in Schoology.
Workflow 1 (recommended): Create a Unicheck Assignment in Schoology.
Workflow 2 (alternative): Add Unicheck to Standard Schoology Assignment.
Workflow selection may depend on your preferences or particular settings of your LMS. Please consult your LMS administrator if you have any questions.
Workflow 1 (recommended): Create a Unicheck Assignment in Schoology
This type of assignment does not support Schoology assignment features like rubrics, individual assignment, lock, etc.
STEP 1: Create a new Unicheck assignment in Schoology LMS.
Go to the required course and click Add Materials → Add File/Link/External Tool, then select External Tool.
Note: Please note that you can also create a Unicheck assignment by clicking Add Materials → Unicheck Plagiarism Checker.
In the pop-up window, adjust the following settings:
- Select Unicheck as a tool provider.
- Enter assignment title.
- Tick Enable Grading checkbox if you want to enable the Unicheck Grading feature. This feature should be enabled before students start making submissions.
- Select grading category and adjust other grading parameters if required.
- Click Submit.
STEP 2: Configure Unicheck settings (see Configuring Unicheck Settings in Schoology Assignment).
Workflow 2 (alternative): Add Unicheck to Standard Schoology Assignment
This type of assignment supports the standard Schoology assignment features. Please note that students will have to submit assignments both to Schoology LMS and Unicheck. Please refer to How to Make a Final Submission? in the Student’s Guide for more details.
STEP 1: Create a Schoology assignment.
Go to the required course and click Add Materials → Add Assignment.
In the pop-up window, fill in the required fields, adjust assignment settings, and click the Add External Tool icon.
STEP 2: Add Unicheck app to assignment.
Select Unicheck as external tool provider.
Enter a title. We recommend “<Assignment Title> (Submit to Unicheck)”, which would make it easier for students to find the Unicheck submission link.
Student’s View
Leave the rest of the fields blank (Custom).
Click Submit.
STEP 3: Review assignment settings and click Create to finalize the assignment.
Configuring Unicheck Settings in Schoology Assignment
Navigate to the required assignment and click Settings to modify Unicheck default settings.
Unicheck Report settings
(can be adjusted either in assignment settings or for any particular similarity report after it has been generated):
Auto exclude citations & references. Unicheck will search and highlight properly formatted quotes (in-text citations) and references (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard). Citations are marked in blue, while references are marked in purple.
Detected quotes and references will not be checked for plagiarism.
System similarity settings. This option allows to automatically exclude matched sources based on the set parameters. For large texts like theses or dissertations, it is recommended to set the “%” value to “0” in order not to omit relevant matches. The minimum value for “Words” is “8”. Sources with combined matched word count less than the set value will be excluded.
Unicheck Assignment settings:
Exclude submissions from the Institutional Library. If this option is enabled, submissions will not be saved to the Unicheck Institutional Library.
Student precheck. This option allows your students to run similarity checks on their own. You can set the number of precheck attempts. Please refer to Can Students Run Similarity Checks on Their Own?.
Note: Enable Student precheck only if you want the assignment to be configured exclusively for student precheck. Students will be able to perform prechecks but will not be able to make submissions. -
Show or hide similarity results from students. Choose whether you want to show similarity reports to students. If enabled, students will have access to similarity reports in view-only mode.
Click Save at the bottom of the page to save assignment settings.
How Do I Know When the Unicheck Report is Ready and How Can I View It?
Navigate to the required Schoology assignment and open Unicheck to see the list of student submissions and their statuses:
Opened: The assignment was opened by the student but no submissions have been uploaded.
Submitted: Submission was uploaded, but Unicheck Report has not been generated yet.
Report ready: Submission was uploaded, and Unicheck Report has been generated.
Resubmit: Resubmission is pending (instructor has allowed to resubmit).
Unicheck Report is generated within several minutes after a student submits a document within a Schoology assignment.
Tip: Click the heading of any column to quickly sort the list.
Click the icon to the right of a student’s name to view submission details.
Click the file name to open the Unicheck Report. Click the download icon to download the originally submitted document.
How to Grade Assignments?
You may grade assignments using standard Schoology Gradebook.
Additionally, Unicheck offers two options to grade an assignment (available only for Workflow 1):
From the list of student submissions
From the Unicheck Report
How to Allow Resubmissions?
Instructors may allow individual and bulk resubmissions.
To allow individual resubmission, click the Resubmit icon next to similarity score.
To allow bulk resubmission, tick the boxes of all the relevant students or tick the top checkbox to select all students, then click Bulk resubmit.
Tip: Resubmission functionality allows instructors and students to arrange convenient workflows, such as 'draft submissions' or 'multiple revisions'.
In the list of student submissions, initial submissions are marked as 'attempt #1'.
After resubmission is enabled, the status of respective submission(s) changes to Resubmit.
All previous attempts are stored, and you can access Unicheck Reports and originally submitted files for any of the attempts. For resubmissions, Unicheck does not compare the latest attempt against previous attempts.
How to Submit on Behalf of a Student?
Click Student View next to a student’s name to access the assignment on behalf of specific student. This view mode allows you to do what a student can do in his/her assignment. The student view icon is displayed only after the assignment has been opened (viewed) by the student.
Click Add Files to upload submission file(s) and then click Final Submission.
Once the submission has been uploaded, you will see the “File(s) successfully submitted” message. Click Back to exit the Student View mode.
Can Students Submit Draft Assignments?
Yes. We recommend creating two separate assignments to let your students submit preliminary (draft) versions before making the final submission:
1. Create a “draft assignment” with Exclude submissions from the Institutional Library setting switched ON (submissions will not be saved to the Unicheck Institutional Library).
2. Create a “final assignment" with Exclude submissions from the Institutional Library setting switched OFF (a copy of the final submission will be saved to the Unicheck Institutional Library).
Note: Within the same assignment, Unicheck does not compare new submissions with previous submissions when Unicheck Resubmit feature is used.
Can Students Run Similarity Checks on Their Own?
Yes, if the Student Precheck option is enabled in assignment settings.
You can set the number of precheck attempts. Prechecked drafts (original submissions and similarity reports) will not be visible to the instructor, while students will have access to these files via the Drafts folder on the assignment page.
Note: Enable Student precheck only if you want the assignment to be configured exclusively for student precheck. Students will be able to perform prechecks but will not be able to make submissions.
Please refer to Can I Run the Plagiarism Check on My Own? in the Student’s Guide for more information on how students can use this feature.
Can I Provide Feedback to Students?
Unicheck Report offers the Comments tool to provide feedback on any particular similarity report. When viewing a similarity report, click Comments, then highlight an area of the document (text and/or pictures) or click in any place in the document to leave a comment.
Note: The Unicheck Comments tool is a separate tool that allows to leave comments specifically within the similarity report. Your comments will be also added to the PDF Unicheck Report.
In the case of Workflow 2, you can still use the Schoology assignment comments tool to comment on an assignment.
How to Download Similarity Reports?
When viewing an online similarity report, go to the Options Menu.
Click Download Original File to download the originally submitted document.
Click Download PDF Report to download the Unicheck Report as a PDF file.
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